Dana Benjamin

Horse Care 101

If you are new to horse ownership, there are a few basics to master regarding horse care. Many will tell you about all the joys, adventures and fun of owning a horse, but in reality, they require some work. Before taking the plunge and purchasing that horse you’ve had your eye on, review the basics of horse care and make sure they can fit into your lifestyle, schedule, and budget.

Horse Care Basics

Food & Water: Horses have relatively small stomachs and delicate digestive systems. This, however, doesn’t mean they don’t eat or drink a lot. An average-sized horse will consume about 20lbs of food and drink at least 8 gallons of water per day. Generally, horses thrive on grain feedings twice a day and access to hay or pastures throughout the day. Their digestive systems require small nibbles or grazing instead of heavier meals like many animals.

Shelter: Consistent access to dry, safe and comfortable shelter is essential for horses. They need a place that will protect them from the elements (rain, snow, and wind). A spot to cool off during the heat of summer and escape insects is important. Horses will use this area as a bathroom often, so maintenance will be required. Removal of manure will need to be on the daily horse care to-do list.

Veterinarian: Just like any pet, veterinary care will be part of a horse owners routine. Annual vaccinations will be necessary, routine dental care and potential medical emergencies should be planned for. Horses will also need a prescribed anti-parasite regimen because they are constantly exposed to intestinal worms due to grazing on the ground.

Hoof Maintenance: A farrier or blacksmith is a professional you will need to hire to maintain your horse’s hooves. A visit every 6-8 weeks is necessary for hoof trimming or shoeing.

Exercise: Horses get exercise when ridden, but they will need an additional outlet to get exercise on a daily basis. Access to a paddock or pasture is essential so they can stroll, run or relax at their own pace. This means horses need to be let out to pasture on a daily basis.

Taking on Horse Ownership

Having a horse offers immense pleasure in life. Understanding all that goes into a horse is critical when making a solid decision on whether or not to purchase one. There are significant cost and time commitments involved. There are also essential space, land and equipment requirements to consider. My Kansas City Horse Property is your one-stop shop for help to find and purchase the horse property of your dreams. They are experienced horse owners and real estate agents that can offer real-world advice regarding horse care and ownership. When the decision has been made, they can shop the market and find that dream horse property you’ve always wanted. Horse ownership is a wonderful way of life as long as you go into it with realistic expectations. Call (913) 266-6616 to talk with an agent at My Kansas City Horse Property today to answer all your questions and start down the path to horse property ownership.